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removeClass : addClass; fn( elem, c ); } var classie = { // full names hasClass: hasClass, addClass: addClass, removeClass: removeClass, toggleClass: toggleClass, // short names has: hasClass, add: addClass, remove: removeClass, toggle: toggleClass }; // transport if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) { // AMD define( classie ); } else if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) { // CommonJS module.exports = classie; } else { // browser global window.classie = classie; } })( window ); // source --> https://rentingup.es/wp-content/themes/motors/assets/js/vivus.min.js?ver=4.3.0 /** * vivus - JavaScript library to make drawing animation on SVG * @version v0.3.0 * @link https://github.com/maxwellito/vivus * @license MIT */ "use strict";!function(t,e){function r(r){if("undefined"==typeof r)throw new Error('Pathformer [constructor]: "element" parameter is required');if(r.constructor===String&&(r=e.getElementById(r),!r))throw new Error('Pathformer [constructor]: "element" parameter is not related to an existing ID');if(!(r.constructor instanceof t.SVGElement||/^svg$/i.test(r.nodeName)))throw new Error('Pathformer [constructor]: "element" parameter must be a string or a SVGelement');this.el=r,this.scan(r)}function n(t,e,r){this.isReady=!1,this.setElement(t,e),this.setOptions(e),this.setCallback(r),this.isReady&&this.init()}r.prototype.TYPES=["line","ellipse","circle","polygon","polyline","rect"],r.prototype.ATTR_WATCH=["cx","cy","points","r","rx","ry","x","x1","x2","y","y1","y2"],r.prototype.scan=function(t){for(var e,r,n,i,a=t.querySelectorAll(this.TYPES.join(",")),o=0;o=this.duration)throw new Error("Vivus [constructor]: delay must be shorter than duration")},n.prototype.setCallback=function(t){if(t&&t.constructor!==Function)throw new Error('Vivus [constructor]: "callback" parameter must be a function');this.callback=t||function(){}},n.prototype.mapping=function(){var e,r,n,i,a,s,h,u;for(u=s=h=0,r=this.el.querySelectorAll("path"),e=0;e1?r.length-1:1),e=0;e=this.frameLength?(this.stop(),this.currentFrame=this.frameLength,this.trace(),this.selfDestroy&&this.destroy(),this.callback(this)):(this.trace(),this.handle=i(function(){t.drawer()}))},n.prototype.trace=function(){var t,e,r,n;for(n=this.animTimingFunction(this.currentFrame/this.frameLength)*this.frameLength,t=0;t=o+a*e&&s>=r},n.prototype.docElem=t.document.documentElement,n.prototype.getViewportH=function(){var e=this.docElem.clientHeight,r=t.innerHeight;return r>e?r:e},n.prototype.scrollY=function(){return t.pageYOffset||this.docElem.scrollTop},i=function(){return t.requestAnimationFrame||t.webkitRequestAnimationFrame||t.mozRequestAnimationFrame||t.oRequestAnimationFrame||t.msRequestAnimationFrame||function(e){return t.setTimeout(e,1e3/60)}}(),a=function(){return t.cancelAnimationFrame||t.webkitCancelAnimationFrame||t.mozCancelAnimationFrame||t.oCancelAnimationFrame||t.msCancelAnimationFrame||function(e){return t.clearTimeout(e)}}(),o=function(t,e){var r=parseInt(t,10);return r>=0?r:e},"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define([],function(){return n}):"object"==typeof exports?module.exports=n:t.Vivus=n}(window,document); // source --> https://rentingup.es/wp-content/themes/motors/assets/js/jquery.cascadingdropdown.js?ver=4.3.0 /*! jquery-cascading-dropdown 1.2.7 | (c) 2016 Dzulqarnain Nasir | MIT */ (function ($, undefined) { 'use strict'; var defaultOptions = { usePost: false, useJson: false }; // Constructor function Dropdown(options, parent) { this.el = $(options.selector, parent.el); this.parent = parent; this.options = $.extend({}, defaultOptions, options); this.name = this.options.paramName || this.el.attr('name'); this.requiredDropdowns = options.requires && options.requires.length ? $(options.requires.join(','), parent.el) : null; this.isLoadingClassName = this.options.isLoadingClassName || parent.options.isLoadingClassName || 'cascading-dropdown-loading'; } // Methods Dropdown.prototype = { _create: function() { var self = this; self.pending = 0; self.initialised = false; self.initialState = self.el.clone(true); self.el.data('plugin_cascadingDropdown', this); self.originalDropdownItems = self.el.children('option'); // Init event handlers if(typeof self.options.onChange === 'function') { self.el.change(function(event) { var requirementsMet = self._requirementsMet() && self.el[0].value; self.options.onChange.call(self, event, self.el.val(), self.getRequiredValues(), requirementsMet); }); } if(typeof self.options.onEnable === 'function') { self.el.on('enabled', function(event) { self.options.onEnable.call(self, event, self.el.val()); }); } if(typeof self.options.onDisable === 'function') { self.el.on('disabled', function(event) { self.options.onDisable.call(self, event, self.el.val()); }); } if(self.requiredDropdowns) { self.requiredDropdowns.change(function(event) { self.update(); }); } // Init source self._initSource(); // Call update self.update(); }, // Destroys the instance and reverts everything back to initial state _destroy: function() { this.el.replaceWith(this.initialState).removeData('plugin_cascadingDropdown'); }, // Enables the dropdown enable: function() { if(this.el.attr('disabled') === undefined) return; this.el.removeAttr('disabled').triggerHandler('enabled'); }, // Disables the dropdown disable: function() { if(this.el.attr('disabled') !== undefined) return; this.el.attr('disabled', 'disabled').triggerHandler('disabled'); }, // Checks if required dropdowns have value _requirementsMet: function() { var self = this; if(!self.requiredDropdowns) { return true; } if(self.options.requireAll) { // If requireAll is true, return true if all dropdowns have values return (self.requiredDropdowns.filter(function() { return !!$(this).val(); }).length == self.options.requires.length); } else { // Otherwise, return true if any one of the required dropdowns has value return (self.requiredDropdowns.filter(function() { return !!$(this).val(); }).length > 0); } }, // Defines dropdown item list source - inspired by jQuery UI Autocomplete _initSource: function() { var self = this; if($.isArray(self.options.source)) { this.source = function(request, response) { response($.map(self.options.source, function(item) { return { label: item.label || item.value || item, value: item.value || item.label || item, selected: item.selected }; })); }; } else if ( typeof self.options.source === 'string' ) { var url = self.options.source; this.source = function(request, response) { if ( self.xhr ) { self.xhr.abort(); } self.xhr = $.ajax({ url: url, data: self.options.useJson ? JSON.stringify(request) : request, dataType: self.options.useJson ? 'json' : undefined, type: self.options.usePost ? 'post' : 'get', contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', success: function(data) { response(data); }, error: function() { response([]); } }); }; } else { this.source = self.options.source; } }, getRequiredValues: function() { var data = {}; if(this.requiredDropdowns) { $.each(this.requiredDropdowns, function() { var instance = $(this).data('plugin_cascadingDropdown'); if(instance.name) { data[instance.name] = instance.el.val(); } }); } return data; }, // Update the dropdown update: function() { var self = this; // Disable it first self.disable(); // If required dropdowns have no value, return if(!self._requirementsMet() && !self.options.allowAll) { self.setSelected(0); self._triggerReady(); return self.el; } // If source isn't defined, it's most likely a static dropdown, so just enable it if(!self.source) { self.enable(); self._triggerReady(); return self.el; } // Reset the dropdown value so we don't trigger a false call self.el.val('').change(); // Fetch data from required dropdowns var data = self.getRequiredValues(); // Pass it to defined source for processing self.pending++; self.el.addClass(self.isLoadingClassName); self.source(data, self._response()); return self.el; }, _response: function(items) { var self = this; return function(items) { self._renderItems(items); self.pending--; if(!self.pending) { self.el.removeClass(self.isLoadingClassName); } } }, // Render the dropdown items _renderItems: function(items) { var self = this; // Remove all dropdown items and restore to initial state var val = self.el.val(); self.el.find('option, optgroup').remove(); self.el.append(self.originalDropdownItems); self.el.val(val); if(!items) { self._triggerReady(); return; } var selected = []; // Add all items as dropdown item var getOption = function(item) { var selectedAttr = '', classes = ''; if(item.selected) { selected.push(item.value.toString()); } if(item.classes && item.classes.length) { classes = ' class="' + item.classes.join(' ') + '"'; } return '' + item.label + ''; }; if ($.isArray(items)) { $.each(items, function(index, item) { self.el.append(getOption(item)); }); } else { $.each(items, function(key, value) { var itemData = []; itemData.push(''); for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { var item = value[i]; itemData.push(getOption(item)); } itemData.push(''); self.el.append(itemData.join('')); }); } // Enable the dropdown self.enable(); // If a selected item exists, set it as default selected.length && self.setSelected(selected); self._triggerReady(); }, // Trigger the ready event when instance is initialised for the first time _triggerReady: function() { if(this.initialised) return; // Set selected dropdown item if defined this.options.selected && this.setSelected(this.options.selected); this.initialised = true; this.el.triggerHandler('ready'); }, // Sets the selected dropdown item setSelected: function(indexOrValue, triggerChange) { var self = this, dropdownItems = self.el.find('option'); // Trigger change event by default if(typeof triggerChange === 'undefined') { triggerChange = true; } var selectedItems = []; // check if indexOrValue is an array if($.isArray(indexOrValue)) { selectedItems = indexOrValue; } else { selectedItems = selectedItems.concat(indexOrValue); } var selectedValue; if(self.el.is('[multiple]')) { selectedValue = selectedItems.map(function(item) { if(typeof item === 'number' && (item !== undefined && item > -1 && item < dropdownItems.length)) { return dropdownItems[item].value } return item; }); } else { selectedValue = selectedItems[0]; // if selected item is a number, get the value for the item at that index if(typeof selectedItems[0] === 'number' && (selectedItems[0] !== undefined && selectedItems[0] > -1 && selectedItems[0] < dropdownItems.length)) { selectedValue = dropdownItems[selectedItems[0]].value; } } // Set the dropdown item self.el.val(selectedValue); // Trigger change event if(triggerChange) { self.el.change(); } return self.el; } }; function CascadingDropdown(element, options) { this.el = $(element); this.options = $.extend({ selectBoxes: [] }, options); this._init(); } CascadingDropdown.prototype = { _init: function() { var self = this; self.pending = 0; // Instance array self.dropdowns = []; var dropdowns = $($.map(self.options.selectBoxes, function(item) { return item.selector; }).join(','), self.el); // Init event handlers var counter = 0; function readyEventHandler(event) { if(++counter == dropdowns.length) { // Once all dropdowns are ready, unbind the event handler, and execute onReady dropdowns.unbind('ready', readyEventHandler); self.options.onReady.call(self, event, self.getValues()); } } function changeEventHandler(event) { self.options.onChange.call(self, event, self.getValues()); } if(typeof self.options.onReady === 'function') { dropdowns.bind('ready', readyEventHandler); } if(typeof self.options.onChange === 'function') { dropdowns.bind('change', changeEventHandler); } // Init dropdowns $.each(self.options.selectBoxes, function(index, item) { // Create the instance var instance = new Dropdown(this, self); // Insert it into the dropdown instance array self.dropdowns.push(instance); // Call the create method instance._create(); }); }, // Destroys the instance and reverts everything back to its initial state destroy: function() { $.each(this.dropdowns, function(index, item){ item._destroy(); }); this.el.removeData('plugin_cascadingDropdown'); return this.el; }, // Fetches the values from all dropdowns in this group getValues: function() { var values = {}; // Build the object and insert values from instances with name $.each(this.dropdowns, function(index, instance) { if(instance.name) { values[instance.name] = instance.el.val(); } }); return values; } } // jQuery plugin declaration $.fn.cascadingDropdown = function(methodOrOptions) { var $this = $(this), args = arguments, instance = $this.data('plugin_cascadingDropdown'); if(typeof methodOrOptions === 'object' || !methodOrOptions) { return !instance && $this.data('plugin_cascadingDropdown', new CascadingDropdown(this, methodOrOptions)); } else if(typeof methodOrOptions === 'string') { if(!instance) { $.error('Cannot call method ' + methodOrOptions + ' before init.'); } else if(instance[methodOrOptions]) { return instance[methodOrOptions].apply(instance, Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 1)) } } else { $.error('Method ' + methodOrOptions + ' does not exist in jQuery.cascadingDropdown'); } }; })(jQuery);